Tuesday, April 27, 2004

This just seems inherently unfair...

So I'm sitting here at my evening job. Doing nothing. Except blogging, frequenting my email, surfing around, on messenger, and posting uselessly on various webboards. I am getting paid $11/hour to do this. Oh, to do this and supervise 12 people. These 12 people earn a base wage of $8 (as well as some bonuses if they're (a) good or (b) I'm in a good mood) and they work much, much harder than I do.

They call people and get yelled at all night. Literally. For all of that abuse, they get a successful call or two to boost their stats so they don't get fired. I listen to them get yelled at. Every once in a while, I'll take an irate client off a caller's hands and I'll let them yell at me for a while. Apparently that's how I earn my keep around here. Well, that and I suppose that me sitting at my desk keeps the callers from pissing around all night and doing nothing (a.k.a. what I do).

Good times...

Liberated at 7:56 p.m.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

There's a chemistry lab on my dresser...

I had no idea what I was getting into when I brought home a betta one day. That one betta in a little Ikea bowl so long ago has turned into what seems like a multi-million dollar operation.

Here's how it went...

  • Stage One: 1 little betta in a little bowl

  • Stage Two: 1 swordtail and 1 platy in a ridiculously expensive, designer 2 gallon tank

  • Stage Three: 1 betta in that same 2 gallon tank (RIP Archie and Nosey)

  • Stage Four: 8 neon tetras, 2 black phantom tetras and 3 cories in (again) an over-priced 10 gallon tank

  • Stage Five: that same betta in a 5.5 gallon tank; the 2 gallon morphs into a hospital tank

  • Keep in mind that all of this requires a basic support system of:
  • Food - flakes for the tetras, algae wafers for the cories, and pellets for the betta

  • Water dechlorinator for weekly water changes

  • Two buckets for the water changes

  • Gravel vacuum to keep everything clean

  • Fish nets (several)

  • Water Test Kit - many, many little bottles, droppers and test tubes with extensive instructions

  • "Aquascaping" - gravel, decorations and fake plants for all of the tanks

  • Fishie Medicine, including Kanacyn and Melafix (although we're still missing a lot of basics)

  • And to think this all started with a $4 betta and a $10 bowl. I don't even want to think about how much we've spent...

    Liberated at 9:59 p.m.

    Thursday, April 15, 2004

    This sucks...

    I'm sick. It sucks. That's all I can muster right now...

    Liberated at 10:45 a.m.

    Monday, April 12, 2004

    Did I do something to deserve this???

    It's amazing how much of an effect one person - who really means nothing to you - can impact your life, your day-to-day activities.

    As expected, the majority of my classes this semester (read: two of out three) have group projects. One of these groups is absolutely awesome - totally laid back and really, genuinely nice people. I actually love forward to meetings (well, as much as anyone can look forward to schoolwork, I suppose) and get along well with them, especially considering they were kind of a clique and I was the outsider who tagged along.

    My other group? My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it. It's a group of five of us. Four of us get along wonderfully. The fifth we want to beat with a stick. And then kick a little bit, too. This, however, isn't your typical group project issue - one member not pulling their weight. She's doing too much, which would be fine except that she complains about how little we do and how we're "letting the group down". But if she does our work (she must think that we're totally incompetent) then, logically, we are going to have less to do.

    I have come to fear our group meetings. They, literally, make my stomach upset. I'm not one of those people who insists that everyone meeds to like them - that's not the issue. The issue is that we're peer marked. Yep, that's right, folks. SHE GETS TO GRADE ME! Wow, is this going to end badly...

    Liberated at 8:24 p.m.

    Wednesday, April 07, 2004

    Woo Hoo!!!

    Last day of classes!

    Not that it matters. I don't really go to class.

    Liberated at 12:21 p.m.

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