Sunday, April 25, 2004

There's a chemistry lab on my dresser...

I had no idea what I was getting into when I brought home a betta one day. That one betta in a little Ikea bowl so long ago has turned into what seems like a multi-million dollar operation.

Here's how it went...

  • Stage One: 1 little betta in a little bowl

  • Stage Two: 1 swordtail and 1 platy in a ridiculously expensive, designer 2 gallon tank

  • Stage Three: 1 betta in that same 2 gallon tank (RIP Archie and Nosey)

  • Stage Four: 8 neon tetras, 2 black phantom tetras and 3 cories in (again) an over-priced 10 gallon tank

  • Stage Five: that same betta in a 5.5 gallon tank; the 2 gallon morphs into a hospital tank

  • Keep in mind that all of this requires a basic support system of:
  • Food - flakes for the tetras, algae wafers for the cories, and pellets for the betta

  • Water dechlorinator for weekly water changes

  • Two buckets for the water changes

  • Gravel vacuum to keep everything clean

  • Fish nets (several)

  • Water Test Kit - many, many little bottles, droppers and test tubes with extensive instructions

  • "Aquascaping" - gravel, decorations and fake plants for all of the tanks

  • Fishie Medicine, including Kanacyn and Melafix (although we're still missing a lot of basics)

  • And to think this all started with a $4 betta and a $10 bowl. I don't even want to think about how much we've spent...

    Liberated at 9:59 p.m.

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