Sunday, March 05, 2006

A worthy cause...

After lying dormant for more than a month, a most worthy cause has spurred me into posting. A small but noteworthy group of former-hacks-no-longer-near-campus recently voted me as 2006 elections photographer by virtue of the fact that I seem to be the closest to campus.

So, for those of you currently in elections withdrawal, here we go...

I will start off with a bitter and jaded "Back in my day..." and get that out of the way right now. I hear that this year's election is quite the non-event, and my little visit to CAB confirmed that fact. And I'll add in a "Kids these days..." before I'm done. Anyway, moving on to the pictures (in ballot order, of course)...


Vice-President External:

Vice-President Academic:
Vice-President Operations & Finance:

Vice-President Student Life:
Board of Governors Representation:
T'is posterless, this year...

CAB Banners (this is, sadly, all of them):

Random CAB shots:

Liberated at 5:42 p.m.

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