Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Today, struck by nothing else either than purely illogical thought, I decided that it's time to resume my place in the blogosphere. Perhaps it's the illusive escapism that I gain poring over my daily blog list, or maybe it's just...time to get things going again. Either way, I'll attempt to get back to my former posting pace and see how I do.

The same rules will apply that always have - chatter about work and politics will continue to be conducted in person, and preferably over beer. This space will remain active for random insights, semi-personal journal-style entries, and a good story from time to time.

I've got a couple of substantive posts on the go, but in the meantime, I thought I'd post this interesting little article. Whiny kids apparently grow up to be conservatives, and more confident kids grow up to be liberals. Admittedly, as the article mentions, the study is far from iron-clad, but I found it interesting nonetheless. I think I need to have a talk with my mother about exactly how much whining I did as a child. I will be sure to report back.

To come: extreme wanderlust (or "how I restrain myself daily from selling all of my possessions and traveling around the world), the travel week from hell, and a few other ever-so-fascinating topics.

Liberated at 4:05 p.m.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

A worthy cause...

After lying dormant for more than a month, a most worthy cause has spurred me into posting. A small but noteworthy group of former-hacks-no-longer-near-campus recently voted me as 2006 elections photographer by virtue of the fact that I seem to be the closest to campus.

So, for those of you currently in elections withdrawal, here we go...

I will start off with a bitter and jaded "Back in my day..." and get that out of the way right now. I hear that this year's election is quite the non-event, and my little visit to CAB confirmed that fact. And I'll add in a "Kids these days..." before I'm done. Anyway, moving on to the pictures (in ballot order, of course)...


Vice-President External:

Vice-President Academic:
Vice-President Operations & Finance:

Vice-President Student Life:
Board of Governors Representation:
T'is posterless, this year...

CAB Banners (this is, sadly, all of them):

Random CAB shots:

Liberated at 5:42 p.m.

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