Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"It's no exaggeration to say that the undecided could go one way or another."
-- Dubya

Someone emailed me this quote today, and I just couldn't help but post it in honour of my upcoming trip across the border. Thank you, Mr. President, for such an insightful statement. But enough of making fun of ol' Dubya for now...

I have a problem. I over-analyze *everything* - I spend far too long letting lists of pros and cons rattle around in my brain, doubting everything that I've previously thought, and then starting all over. This is certainly not uncommon behaviour, but that's not where it ends.

My real problem is that I actually make split-second decisions on pretty much everything. My first thought on something is generally my final decision, with *very* few exceptions. I'd like to tell you that it's because I over-analyze so quickly and efficiently, that I make a well-informed and logical decision in that split-second. In reality, the agonizing over a particular decision occurs *after* the decision has already been made - in essence, I drive myself crazy for no reason at all.

Now, for those who know me, you'll know that I'm a relatively intelligent and sensible person. Someone asked me last night why I do this...and I had absolutely no good answer for him. I wonder if it's because I lack confidence in the decisions I make...but I don't think that's the case. I wonder if it's because my brain likes the extra work...but that doesn't sound right. So...I still have no good answer.

From those that I petitioned today, the two most common answers were:
  • Because you're a girl; and
  • Because you're crazy.

Point taken.

Liberated at 3:25 a.m.

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