Thursday, October 21, 2004

As promised...

Since I've most definitely got the time today, here is the excerpt from the House of Commons yesterday as promised in yesterday's post. Courtesy of Mr. David L. Anderson (CPC - Cypress Hills-Grasslands):

In '95 during the fall
When the PQ cast a pall,

The PMO said, "Stand Tall!
We'll go to the wall--
There'll be money for all!
You don't have to crawl--
Just give us a call".

And so, Mr. Speaker, some had a ball
Collecting cash, what a haul!

And so it went well...all in all
Until it hit the fan (or the wall).

Word got out. "We have to stall!
Hide the stuff, no one will fall".

"I'm mad as hell!" we heard in the hall.
"I knew nothing at all.
And what I do, I can't recall!"

Now it turns out he's had a ball.
A million dollars--that's quite a haul!
Well, old fundraisers, we helped them all.

But the question remains--and please don't stall
--who really made the call?
Was it Paul?

Liberated at 4:44 p.m.

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